Have you ever wondered how ALKO reached their decision when launching a new wine in their stores?

All ALKO general selection products are chosen by sensory evaluation. The sensory evaluation is done by a jury of experts. Firstly, the aim is to find the best product from those offered for each search that best matches established customer needs. Secondly, the aim is to ensure product safety and compliance with the law.

In 2015 alone ALKO evaluated 75000 samples!

The decision is based both on the taste as well as on other factors that add values for customers.

During the first stage of the evaluation products are evaluated purely on the taste during a blind tasting. Then based on the specific tender other factors that are taken into account are the following:

  • Product appearance
  • Ethical certificate
  • Producer accreditation
  • Price

Finally before the final purchase decision is made the product is analyzed at an ALKO controlled laboratory in order to ensure legal compliance and quality as well as providing additional information for customer communication and taste profiles.

Through the following link you will find a video that summarizes the process nicely:




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