I’m from France, more particularly I study in the INSEEC BS of Bordeaux. I study in master degree Wine and spirits management, and for the end of my first year of the master, I should find an internship in a foreign country. I had a very clear idea was going and what I wanted to do. I target the Scandinavia countries, I have always wanted to travel in this part of the world, a synonym of impressive landscape, nature, and evolve mentality. And I would like to work in the alcoholic market, for an importer and distributor. To know the system of the monopoly very interesting and very special for a French like me, not use to, this method of market management.
After some research and some emailing, I found the perfect company and the perfect company accept me, Concealed Wines where the headquarters are in Sweden.

I have found in Concealed Wines a company in human size, with a true management focus on people and connections between people. I was feeling quickly into the team like all my colleagues, quickly also I understand my task and my role in this company. With the help of Calle my tutor I get a deep vision of the market, of our company and of the issues. Also, all my colleagues give me good advice and always take time to answer my questions.
With this atmosphere of work, I was rapidly ready to work efficient, productive and a work of quality. I also get the style of the company in my work, that means always put the actors of our company in priority and gives the best business value for them with a transparency and good communication.

We had lots of moments in the team, of relaxing like sports/company running/lunch/team building/meeting together/and many other moments of share. I really think in this company, everyone works a lot and efficient because of all this atmosphere of the team and the moment of relaxation.

After four months of internship, I can say one thing to Concealed Wines: Thanks, everyone!
Concerning Sweden, and my trip, in general, it’s something I’m never going to forget. This country is beautiful, the people I have met were very kind, it was more than I had expected. For sure I’m going to come back in this country.

Thanks to Calle, Simon, Emma, Emelie, Cecilia, Alessio, Yung-chin, Rolf, Kerstin, Malin, Sophie and all the others I can name.