IGT Terre Siciliane Blend including Catarratto and Viognier Bag-in-box | W151106

General tender details

Finland (Alko)
Permanent listing (12 months minimum)
Segment Mainstream - 160 - 180
Deadline written offer:
November 14, 2015
Launch Date:
June 15, 2016
Taste Style: (See Taste Styles Info) Red Wines Info
Mellow & sweet or crisp & fruity
Taste & Style description

A blend of minimum three grape varieties including Catarratto and Viognier. Proportion of the dominant grape variety may not be over 60%. Dried grapes must be used in the production process. The time and method of drying must be mentioned on the offer under additional information. The proportion of dried grapes in the blend must be indicated on the offer under additional information.

Tender Stats
